Presentation Skills for Chiefs & Deputy Chiefs

The primary focus of the course will be to provide Police Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs exclusively, with the tools to give a dynamic and successful presentation. This executive driven class will result in confidence, vision, and productivity.


• Provide tips for the preparation of a successful presentation.
• Introduce successful methods of beginning a presentation.
• Introduce universally accepted interpretations of body language.
• Offer techniques to maximize the voice and body language.
• Offer techniques to forensically read the audience.
• Introduce learning techniques that reach the entire audience.
• Provide presentation techniques that secure positive results.
• Offer ways to handle questions with skill and poise.
• Provide critiques of video recordings of participant speeches. (optional)

LIMIT OF CLASS: 10 Participants
Continental Breakfast will be served.

Course Details

Download the Presentation Skills for Chiefs course details sheet for more info, or to register by mail.

Presentation Skills for Sheriffs & Deputy Sheriffs

The primary focus of the course will be to provide Sheriffs & Deputy Sheriffs exclusively, with the tools to give a dynamic and successful presentation. This executive driven class will result in confidence, vision, and productivity.


• Provide tips for the preparation of a successful presentation.
• Introduce successful methods of beginning a presentation.
• Introduce universally accepted interpretations of body language.
• Offer techniques to maximize the voice and body language.
• Offer techniques to forensically read the audience.
• Introduce learning techniques that reach the entire audience.
• Provide presentation techniques that secure positive results.
• Offer ways to handle questions with skill and poise.
• Provide critiques of participant speeches. (optional)

LIMIT OF CLASS: 20 Participants

Continental Breakfast will be served.

Course Details

Download the Presentation Skills for Commanders course details sheet for more info, or to register by mail.